Suicide Prevention
We provide a Certified instructor in QPR (Question Persuade Refer) for Act 71 Requirements.
What is QPR?
OPR consists of how to apply Suicide Prevention techniques. QPR is not intended to be a form of counseling or treatment but is intended to offer hope through positive action.
QPR is intended to discuss facts concerning suicide and suicide prevention, help recognize the warning signs, clues and suicidal communications of people in trouble and to act vigorously to prevent a possible tragedy, persuade them to get help and refer to the proper resource, and also give resources to people who attempt suicide and surviving family and friends.
Act 71 was passed in 2014 as House Bill 1559. The law requires every school district in Pennsylvania to:
1. Adopt a set of policies and procedures for suicide prevention in their district and post this policy on the school website. Act 71 outlines what is required within this policy.
2. Train all educators in grades 6-12 in suicide prevention for a period of 4 hours every 5 years.
We can help train your school to meet ACT 71 criteria by our expert instructors through QPR training.